This site allows you to report suspected side effects to medicines, vaccines, medical device and test kit incidents used in Coronavirus testing and treatment. The report goes to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
The scheme relies upon voluntary reporting of suspected safety concerns or incidents by healthcare professionals and members of the public (patients, users or carers).
The purpose of the scheme is to provide an early warning that the safety of a produce may require further investigation.
The MHRA is responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic and providing a dedicated Coronavirus Yellow Card site for healthcare professionals and patients to report:
The scheme relies upon voluntary reporting of suspected safety concerns or incidents by healthcare professionals and members of the public (patients, users or carers).
The purpose of the scheme is to provide an early warning that the safety of a produce may require further investigation.
The MHRA is responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic and providing a dedicated Coronavirus Yellow Card site for healthcare professionals and patients to report:
- Suspected side effects to medicines
- Suspected side effects of any current or future COVID-19 vaccines
- Incidents involving medical devices
Reporting suspected side effects or faulty medical devices helps identify issues which might not have been previously known.
Report suspected side effects to medicines or COVID-19 vaccines or incidents involving medical devices, including faulty equipment, used for the treatment of Coronavirus.
When reporting side effects to vaccines the following information should be provided, where available:
Report suspected side effects to medicines or COVID-19 vaccines or incidents involving medical devices, including faulty equipment, used for the treatment of Coronavirus.
When reporting side effects to vaccines the following information should be provided, where available:
- Information on the person who has experienced the side effect
- Whether the side effect is related to the first or second dose of the vaccine
- The date of the vaccination
- The name and batch number of the vaccine suspected to have caused the side effects
- A description of the side effects
- Any other medicines being taken around the same time (including non-prescription and herbal remedies)
- Any other health condition that the person who experienced the side effect may have