NHS Digital will be sending information packs out to General Practices explaining how patients can book their hospital appointments online.
The packs are designed to encourage patients to use the NHS e-referral service website. As well as booking, patients can also check, change and cancel appointments online without help from their Practice. Each pack contains leaflets and posters for Practice staff and patients. The national telephone appointment line will still be available for patients who prefer it.
Patients can take control and book their own appointment on a convenient date and time and at their preferred hospital or clinic if there is a choice. This means no more worried patients contacting the Practice to find out what is happening with their appointment.
Better for Practices and the NHS. Encouraging patients to book their own appointments online can also save time and money for the Practice and the wider NHS.
Did Not Attend (DNA) rates halved when patients book their own appointments. This means patients are treated in a timely way and Practices do not need to refer these patients again.
Patients can manage their appointments 24/7. When patients book their own appointments they can check, change or cancel their appointment online any time of day, without contacting the Practice.
The packs are designed to encourage patients to use the NHS e-referral service website. As well as booking, patients can also check, change and cancel appointments online without help from their Practice. Each pack contains leaflets and posters for Practice staff and patients. The national telephone appointment line will still be available for patients who prefer it.
Patients can take control and book their own appointment on a convenient date and time and at their preferred hospital or clinic if there is a choice. This means no more worried patients contacting the Practice to find out what is happening with their appointment.
Better for Practices and the NHS. Encouraging patients to book their own appointments online can also save time and money for the Practice and the wider NHS.
Did Not Attend (DNA) rates halved when patients book their own appointments. This means patients are treated in a timely way and Practices do not need to refer these patients again.
Patients can manage their appointments 24/7. When patients book their own appointments they can check, change or cancel their appointment online any time of day, without contacting the Practice.