- To promote the benefit of the patients of the Health Centre - without distinction of gender, race, colour or political, religious or other opinions or characteristics of individuals - by encouraging development and quality of health promotion and health care services.
- To achieve this aim by liaising with the doctors and staff, other community health workers, and other persons or organisations concerned with health care.
- The Group will NOT represent any patient with a complaint concerning medical treatment received from the Health Centre. There is a standard procedure for this and the procedure is available from the Practice Manager.
- The Group is 'non-party in politics' and 'non-sectarian in religion'. It will, at all times, respect diversity and will be committed to the principles contained within the Equality Act.
- To offer patients' perspective on services provided.
- To provide practical support and to help and encourage patients to take more responsibility for their own health.
- To contribute to the continuous improvement of services.
- To foster improved communication between the Practice and its patients, and to break down any barriers.
- To assist in implementing any changes.
- To encourage the development of voluntary community care, especially for the housebound and the elderly.
- Where appropriate, to act as a 'community pressure group in order to bring local needs to the attention of health and/or Local Authorities.
- To help patients to know what services are available to them.
- To undertake fundraising to enable the provision of extra facilities for the practice and its patients.
- The Group has the power to affiliate to:
- Healthwatch Surrey
- Healthwatch and Public Involvement Association (HAPIA)
- Ashford and St. Peter's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
... and to other organisations with similar charitable objects.
If the Group decides that it is necessary to dissolve, it will have the power to dispose of any assets held by the Group. Any assets remaining - after satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities - will be donated to the Sunbury Health Centre for the benefit of the patients.
If the Group decides that it is necessary to dissolve, it will have the power to dispose of any assets held by the Group. Any assets remaining - after satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities - will be donated to the Sunbury Health Centre for the benefit of the patients.
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